How do we pair players at tournaments?

High Level Explanation

Let’s Play Scrabble tournaments generally adhere to the following pairing methods, for 14 game and higher events.

Beginning of tournament: If it makes sense to have a complete round robin to start the tournament, we will likely do that first. Otherwise, for rounds 1-3 we will pair a four person group round robin. 

The remainder of the first half of the tournament: Swiss pairings with 0 repeats.

The second half of the tournament: COP (Castellano-O’Connor pairing). COP makes use of an algorithm called "minimum weight matching" which assigns a weight to all possible matchups and selects final pairings which minimize the sum of the weights of every matchup in those pairings. Higher weights are assigned to undesirable matchups, such as repeats, playing someone who is far away in standings, etc. (See below for much more detail). 

Late in the tournament, two types of pairings will occur:

Detailed Explanation

Rounds 1-3: An init fontes group round Robin. Groups of 4 will play a round Robin of 3 games. One group of 6 may be possible and may play shirts vs skins.

The remainder of the first half of the tournament: Swiss pairings with no repeats.

The second half of the tournament: COP (Castellano-O’Connor Pairing) COP makes use of an algorithm called minimum weight matching which assigns a weight to all of your possible matchups based on how "bad" it is. It then finds the pairings that minimize the sum of "badness." Things considered bad by COP are as follows:

The syntax after "html" can be added to any results URL: /A25_cop.log means A is the division and 25 is the round.


Tournament Software

config simulations = 5000

config always_wins_simulations = 5000

config gibson_spread = [250, 200]

config control_loss_thresholds = [0.25]

config hopefulness = [0, 0.10, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01]

config control_loss_activation_round =n  (where n is the round where you pair round by round)

config cop_threads = 2